
The Rise Of Open Source Hardware

Hardware has always lagged behind software in the open source movement. But one website is beginning to change that.

Emile Petrone founded Tindie for selfish reasons. “The basic idea was that there wasn’t a marketplace for the things I was interested in,” he says. At the time, those things were his latest DIY hardware obsessions—specifically, kits to support Arduino and Raspberry Pi. “Ebay’s not really right, and neither is Amazon. Hardware projects had no natural home.”


Baidu make their self driving tech open source with project Apollo

While tech giants in the West squabble over who owns what propitiatory tech one of their Chinese competitors has decided to do the opposite. The Chinese technology firm Baidu has announced the “Apollo” project. With the aim of making all of their self driving tech open source and available to the automotive industry at large.

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pressjudge2878d ago

Baidu will already a giant with this will be unstoppable

MattDavisGR2878d ago

The more companies in the race the faster will the results appear :D


​Google Chrome soon won't be such a burden your computer

New version of the browser won't take up as much memory, especially on mobile devices, Google programmers promise.


Runtastic Update Adds Google Play Music Playlist Integration

Runstastic, the popular running and workout app, teamed up with Google to add Google Play Music playlist integration through a recent update.

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