
Retrospective: Why Playstation Move was better than Kinect

Game Idealist explains why Playstation Move was better than Kinect.

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Fatal-Aim3697d ago

well Sony did say Move, unlike kinect 1.0, would receive attention/adoption amongst the consumer through experience rather than advertising. fast forward a few years and Move is only justified as a better motion control device to either one of its competitors, let alone kinect 1.0, but the PlayStation Move has continued it's awareness over to the PS4 as both an optional controller and the primary building block for VR 1to1 limb tracking. it has become so crucial to motion gaming that the DualShock 4 and the VR headset has adopted the technology, also.

where is kinect 1.0?


Microsoft’s Kinect Finds New Life Helping Parkinson’s Patients

NRM: "A team at Brunel University London has developed a new system, which helps people with Parkinson’s disease overcome debilitating walking problems."

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Sony has filed Patents for New Motion Controllers

Two new patents filed by Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) suggest that a new motion-controller could be on the way, specifically designed to boost the interactive nature of the company’s virtual reality (VR) platform, PlayStation VR. The potential revision of the existing PlayStation Move controller adds an analog stick and a finger tracking technology. The controller looks like it is fitted with a wide array of buttons, including the essential trigger on the back and what looks like four buttons along with (presumably) the circular home button at the top. There’s even a hand strap to help you keep your grip on reality.

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Is It Time to Move on From the PlayStation Move?

The PlayStation VR is using motion controller technology from 2010. Is this a detriment to the PlayStation VR?

ajax172600d ago

YES! Sony really does need new peripherals for PSVR. I was surprised when they announced it. The move should've stayed exclusive to the PS3.

Juiceid2599d ago

The move works well. If you want them to move on, it needs to be better.

welly3002599d ago

Move and the camera needs a upgrade.

robleroy2599d ago

The move works perfectly
But not many games have implemented it very well.
Two good move games are :
Batman VR

But a move controller with an analog stick or move handgloves would be welcome as additionals.

I love the fact that Sony is loyal in supporting old devices like psp or move and lately even ps2

OffRoadKing2599d ago

Yes and VR and Kinect and 3D and augmented reality and any of the other stupid gimmicky fads that are out there.