
Swarm by Foursquare – the new app for Windows Phone 8.1

The Swarm app helps you find the perfect places to go with your friends, and where you can find the best restaurants, coffee, nightlife, shops and more anywhere in the world. It also lets users check-in and find out what their friends are doing at a given time or place. The main feature of Swarm is the neighborhood sharing, giving you the possibility of finding friends nearby.

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Snapchat Partners with Foursquare to Enable Location-Specific Geofilter Advertising

Snapchat and Foursquare have entered into a partnership to power location-based geofilters and enable more targeted advertising.

2804d ago

How to Get Windows 10 Mobile Update on Windows Phone 8.1 Devices

In case you own the device which is mentioned in the list, then it’s ready for the Windows 10 mobile upgrade. Now you may be wondering about how to get it on your Windows phone. Well don’t worry-We will help you out!


You Misunderstand Foursquare. It’s comScore, Not Instagram

"Foursquare is not a consumer social app business, it’s a data company. And only when it admitted that to itself and revalued as such was it able to pull in more capital and keep chugging. Today at LA’s Upfront Summit, Foursquare’s lead investor from Union Square Ventures Fred Wilson stuck up for the startup while trying to make people understand how it’s changed."

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