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Chinese City Sealed Off After Bubonic Plague Death

The Guardian

30,000 residents of Yumen are not being allowed to leave and 151 people have been placed in quarantine after man's death

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dota2champion3804d ago

Scary. What are the chances of that reaching here in the usa

Fluke_Skywalker3804d ago

Very scary, think of all the stuff we all buy that's made in China!!

Crazay3803d ago

Ever see the movie Contagion? Yep...Think about how many the Bubonic Plague killed when it first happened and they couldn't even travel with the same speed and ease we do today.

Incredibly scary shit right there.

SilentNegotiator3803d ago (Edited 3803d ago )

Before people start sealing off their panic rooms from the inside:

1) Bubonic plague has a mere 1-15% mortality rate for people treated with antibiotics (And that's all demographics; imagine what part of those deaths were babies and the elderly).

2) The black death is not the only occurrence of the plague; lots of much smaller outbreaks have happened without wiping out humanity, often staying fairly local.

3) Plague sometimes happens in the western US anyway.

extermin8or3803d ago

It had a mortaikty rate of approximately a third actually..... on its big outbreak nowadays its muchblower thabks to antibiotics and that thanks to nature because its so deadly untreated its more susceptible to antibiotics. Just how the majoritynof antibiotic immune bacteria require very particular conditions andbin the case of say mrsa its been suggested sunlight can actually causebit to break down axcording to a paper published b ot to long ago new scientist reported on.

extermin8or3803d ago (Edited 3803d ago )

So who wants to tell you the bubonic plauge spreads in thebusa and europe already via wildlife? Go google ot there are a few hundered cases a year...

Matt6663803d ago

not that scary since it can be treated with anti-biotics

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3803d ago
3803d ago
DarkBlood3803d ago

You gotta do it like his accent here let me show you what I mean.


lol mean funny either way

Crazay3803d ago


What in the sam hell is that picture. Goddamn freaky that.

StockpileTom3803d ago

There has been some cases in the US before, it isn't really a problem unless there is an antibiotic shortage in the area. I have no idea of the logistics in China but I think this is a bit of an overreaction.

This is why you should always goto a doctor if you get sick especially with more severe symptoms.

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Scientists discover how to 'upload knowledge to your brain'

Feeding knowledge directly into your brain, just like in sci-fi classic The Matrix, could soon take as much effort as falling asleep, scientists believe.

battletrax2282d ago

Sign me up. I want to have the knowledge of playing a guitar like a rock star. Implanted in my brain. Or better yet 4 years of college transferred to my brain.

b163o12282d ago

I'm with you on the guitar, and I'd like to learn Japanese so I can relocate to Japan... GinJoeKnee lol

annoyedgamer2282d ago

So can I upload the info for my next exam?

gangsta_red2282d ago

Give me full knowledge of the IMDB database. Never again will I be wrong in the "who was that actor in that movie" debate!

FlyingFoxy2281d ago

Pass on that, can't trust the scores on IMDB since everyone has different taste in films

BlackDoomAx2282d ago

I'll wait for the download one. Better have some memories erased. My brain is full, I need more space in it.


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