
What You Need to Know About DARPA, the Pentagon's Mad Science Division


There's a certain entity within the Pentagon that's quite (in)famous for developing terrifying robots, advanced weapons and futuristic tech. It's called the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency or, as most people know it, DARPA: the Department of Defense's "mad science" division. While all the machines coming out of the agency make it seem like its sole purpose is to build a killer-robot army, DARPA has many, many other projects to speak of. In fact, DARPA's at the heart of some of the most significant technological advances of our time. Hell, there might not be an internet to read this article on if DARPA didn't create it.

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Crazay3819d ago

I bet these guys have developed some stuff that would both impress and scare the hell out of us that we have never seen. SKYNET!!!

proudly_X3819d ago

I could really help you echo SKYNET!!!.. Btw, this is unbelievable.. The movies have started showing themselves in reality..

Crazay3819d ago

Amazing how fast what was once Science Fiction is becoming Science Reality. now if only they could hurry up and put man on mars or even the moon would suffice for me so I could say I saw something amazing happen in space.

UltraNova3819d ago

If Skynet happens, scratch that, when it happens it will be Google's doing...of course I wont dismiss the possibility of two companies making two super AIs at the same time that will eventually dual each other on top of our skeletons...now that's a head-spinner!

1nsomniac3819d ago (Edited 3819d ago )

You clearly Havant seen their work. They already have a fully functioning SKYNET. I'm sure you could probably find something on YouTube showing it but they have a fully working fully computer AI controlled weaponised humanoid robot.

This company is beyond dangerous, search for some of their confidential documents/footage. They are beyond psychopaths!!

All paid for by the American government.

Speed-Racer3819d ago

Been playing too much Battlefield I see...

dota2champion3819d ago

These darpa robots move funny. I cant stop laughing lol

Rute3818d ago

Well, I imagined that WildCat chasing me with circular saws inserted as jaws and I did not laugh.


DARPA Gamebreaker aims to train military AI systems on open world video games

AI Business: The US defense research agency is looking to use video games to train an AI capable of “developing winning warfighting strategies.”

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DARPA is Working on an Anonymous Mobile Communication System

According to an information document on Dr. Joshua Baron's supporters' day, DARPA is working on an anonymous mobile communication system

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Military pilots can control three jets at once via a neural implant

Earlier this month, DARPA, the U.S. military’s research division, unveiled a project that it had been working on since 2015: technology that grants one person the ability to pilot multiple planes and drones with their mind.

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ajax172284d ago

And this is just what they're letting the public have knowledge of; I can't even imagine what they are working on that we don't know about.

SpringHeeledJack2281d ago

Strange how those so called "nut job" witnesses and ex military all said downed UFO craft were controlled via the occupants minds and technology is drip fed to US research departments and low and behold decades later we get the technology they talked about.

annoyedgamer2281d ago

Now all we need is massive nuclear powered mechs and giant crab-monsters.