
This is the iPhone 6′s curved glass screen

Apple is expected to again increase the screen size of its smartphones this year with the iPhone 6, which will be available in two flavors including a 4.7-inch model and a 5.5-inch version – comparatively, Apple’s current iPhone models have 4-inch displays, while the older iPhone 4S was the last model to feature a 3.5-inch screen. Thus, the screen of the iPhone 6 will be the main new feature iPhone fans will receive, putting the handset on par with Android and Windows Phone handsets.

3842d ago
Devil-X3842d ago

To those disagreeing, this is just a "question" not a "statement".

Speed-Racer3842d ago

It's bendability is somewhat irrelevant cause you know, it's gonna be on your phone.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3842d ago
Agent_hitman3842d ago

It's getting closer to 5-6'' size similar to Samsung phones.. :D

1nsomniac3842d ago

That's a bad thing. If I wanted a tablet I'd buy a tablet. I want a mobile phone, something that's very mobile & comfortable to use.

IMO they need to stay well away from the Samsung sized 2 handed bricks & stick to the iPhone 5 size & concentrate on improving features & completely rebuilding iTunes.

bahabeast3842d ago

iphone 5/5s sexiest design light weight and fits in ur hands excellent. idk how apple will top that.

Blasphemy3842d ago (Edited 3842d ago )

i guess it depends on your hand size cause the 5/5s are to small for me, 4.7 inches is the sweet spot for phones. anything smaller or bigger just doesn't feel right for my hands.

bahabeast3842d ago

yes i can handle a 4.7 inch phone great but for some reason those iphones size and form factor is excellent for me.


Apple intentionally throttles older phones to prevent unexpected battery issues

Apple has officially commented on why its older devices may not perform as expected.

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Speed-Racer2580d ago

Sometimes Apple loses sight of what they think consumers want versus what we really want.

SSmoke2580d ago

I was on the fence about the Iphone8 or the new Samsung but that new Galaxy is looking damn good right now... peace apple!

MaxedOutGamer2580d ago

This is more Apple BS. When Apple launches a phone, they try to get as much sales as possible, even at the expense of their own customer base. A new iphone is released and suddenly your phone starts working like crap, obviously it makes the new iphone more appealing. They've been doing this since the original iphone. Funny how this isn't a problem for any other phone manufacturer.

supermonkeyfox2579d ago

I think it's more that continually evolving software updates bloat and eventually render the device sluggish. New code is written to take advantage of new hardware, at the expense of owners of the older models.

KingPin2579d ago

so then why even bother updating the older hardware if thats the case. i mean, its not like the older OS is not safe or unstable so why the need to update it. everything works just fine as is. ever heard if it aint broke.....

blacktiger2580d ago

Corporation are for themself. Time for decentralization!


China users complain of combustible iPhones: consumer watchdog

Several Chinese iPhone users have claimed that their handsets caught fire or exploded, according to a Shanghai consumer watchdog which called on tech giant Apple to address the complaints.


iPhone 6 and 6 Plus plagued by widespread 'Touch Disease' issue

iPhone 6 and 6 Plus owners worldwide are being plagued by “Touch Disease” — a display issue that causes a flickering gray bar to appear at the top of their screen.

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