
Study plots solar system's rapid timeline

The first planetary seeds may have begun forming as soon as 600,000 years after the birth of our solar system, according to a new study.

The new research led by Thomas Kruijer of the Westfalische Wilhelms University in Germany, and published in the journal Science, provides the clearest view yet of how and when the first planetesimals began to accrete and develop.

TechImperia3759d ago

I don't know the reason but number of news on space now a days are too dam high..


EVs Explained: What is a kilowatt-hour, and while we're on the subject, what is a kilowatt?

When talking about EVs, kWh and kW are often mentioned without context, but neither is as complicated as you might think.

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Dark Energy Is Getting Stronger By The Day

If the recent results from a new method of study of the expanding universe is true, then dark energy may well be getting stronger.

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ShockUltraslash2022d ago

Oh no!
The power of Darkness gets stronger and stronger.
We need to gather the heroes of light to fight against this evil.

BioDead2020d ago

Finn and Jake should take the job!!


What If The Earth Was Flat?

Science is mysterious. People ask questions and with the tools at their disposal, scientists address a hypothesis. Geodesy is the Earth science of accurately measuring and understanding the Earth’s geometric shape, orientation in space and gravitational field. Years of research in the field of geodesy has told us that a sphere is a close approximation of …

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level 3602023d ago

These Flat Earth believers' are really funny sickos.

Cobra9512022d ago

As a group, they're the perfect illustration of an echo chamber. Think of them as a control group, where the concepts espoused are clearly wrong, but they believe they're getting valid science (like drug control groups believe they are getting meds instead of placebos). Good studies of people's impressionability as members of a greater whole can be accomplished here.

blacktiger2022d ago (Edited 2022d ago )

It's funny how you judge others, regardless where's the proof of them being sickos?

kneon2022d ago

Anyone who truly thinks the earth is flat is mentally deficient.

2022d ago
KingPin2020d ago

1999: in 2019 AI would probably run the world we wont have to do anything.

2019: we're trying to convince people the world is round.

BioDead2020d ago

If earth is flat then most of the physics shouldn't work as they are working now. I saw a documentary on Netflix of this believe and I didn't get a single valid or scientific explanation from the believers how the flat earth works, why other planets are globes and earth is just flat, how the physics works with it, and so on. Seemingly flat earth is now in fashion, but it'll soon wears out. Hopefully.

Cobra9512020d ago

Just imagine the number of people who would have to be in on the round "hoax" over the centuries for it to succeed. A few examples: Anyone who flies an airplane, or in one, around the world. Most international ship captains and crews. Meteorologists. Astronomers. Anyone professionally involved with satellites.

Kostche2019d ago

the world is flat, belive what you want, nasa the biggest hoaxers to the human race, and its funny watching them mug the human race off, enyoy the space travel... LUL