
This Is What Facebook Sees When It Scans Your Face

DeepFace, Facebook’s facial recognition software, is now 97.35% accurate and “closely approaching human-level performance,” according to a new paper published by the social network’s AI research team. On the surface that level of reliability feels impressive, but for all its accuracy, what exactly does Facebook see when it looks at you?

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Dday1413748d ago

What a cool looking rug! Can't wait to see my dog drag his ass on it.

cruxito3748d ago

i dont understand the point of this at all, hows this even relevant?

gizmig3748d ago

As per my understanding it is a way of encrypt the privacy of a user.

Spiewie 3747d ago

Yeah it's definitely encryption.


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How to change your birthday on Facebook

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855d ago

Facebook says to follow its livestream rules or be banned, this is your only warning

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