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Engadget's 2013 Holiday Gift Guide: Smartphones


Who doesn't want a new smartphone? Even if you love the handset in your pocket, there's bound to be a newer, higher-specced device calling your name. If you're generous enough to give the ultimate mobile-tech gift, we'd like to help. We've lined up the hottest phones both on- and off-contract, from less than $100 to north of $500. Extra points if you foot the bill for the giftee's early termination fee.

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Crazay3849d ago

I really REALLY want a new phone but feel like something big is coming in the new year so I'm holding off.


Bendy phones that wrap around wrists could be reality in 5 years: Lenovo

Bendable smartphones could be a reality in five years, Lenovo's head of mobile told CNBC.

donwel2904d ago

Very easy to steal too from the looks of it.
More pointless, overpriced attachments to compensate for designer shortsightedness could be a reality in 5 years.


5 futuristic phones that were ahead of their time, but still flopped

Some people mocked the original iPhone when it launched, and the Samsung Galaxy Note provoked much mirth for being too big, but both defied their critics with strong sales and spawned sequels that are still going strong. The phones we’re looking at here had a different fate. They may have pointed the way for the future of smartphones, but they failed to capitalize on it.

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Devil-X2907d ago

Lumia 1020 was definitely the biggest shocker of all. I still remember how I thought it would do great in the markets when it was first announced.


Fujifilm's New Wireless Photo Printer Turns Your Phone Into a Polaroid

Shake it like a smartphone printer. Actually, no. Don't shake it. Your prints will be ready in ten seconds.

Devil-X2907d ago

Let me warn you before hand that it is gonna cost you a fortune if you plan on using this one for some regular use.