TechRaptor - Remote Desktop is something that has been around for a very, very long time. Highly utilized by many businesses it allows for access to servers for both systems administrators and for users to access their files remotely, as well as allowing for everyday computer users to access their home machines with the right configuration. In the time of the smartphone, with touchscreens and excellent mobile networks, it was only natural that we would be able to get the same remote access on our phones. There have been a great number of Remote Desktop Apps for iOS and Android, but not one officially made by Microsoft.
Microsoft is laying off more employees, a new round after they cut thousands last year. It seems like many big tech companies are doing the same.
Google Reportedly Set to Launch Tool Revealing Battery Degradation Over Time for Phones and Tablets, Says Android Authority.
Amidst the AI frenzy of 2023, major players like Google, Microsoft, and Meta are in the spotlight, launching their own generative AI systems.