
Plex for Windows 8 Review | Tech Raptor

Tech Raptor - Plex is a phenomenal media solution for people with a ton of digital media, who want it organized, categorized, and kept track of. I recently switched to Windows 8 on my new laptop (Lenovo ThinkPad Twist) and found that the same application I was using on my Windows 7 machine did not work as well on Windows 8. After looking into it, I found that there was now an app designed for Windows 8! Sure, it was a few bucks, but Plex is such a solid program there was no reason to feel like it was a ripoff.

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Crazay4134d ago

Sooo....Can anyone tell me why this would be a better solution than the FREE XBMC?

TechRaptor4134d ago

Plex itself is a free service. This app is specifically for accessing your media on Windows 8.

I run Sickbeard alongside SABnzbd with usenet downloading to automatically download my shows, rename them, then ping plex to update. I use couchpotato with SABnzbd to do the saem with movies.

Plex is free, and this app is only $3. I haven't tried XBMC, so I can't say which is better. But Plex is an awesome solution.


Crazay4134d ago

sounds to me like you have a rather convoluted and complex setup. Nicely done though.

TechRaptor4133d ago

@Crazay I do indeed have a complex setup! I'm actually in the process of creating a walkthrough on how to do it!


Goldenarmz4133d ago

I actually would like that write up, i would like something that would auto download the shows i watch so i dont have to check each day the show airs.

TechRaptor4133d ago

I should have it done in a few weeks. It's mega long and detailed!



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