
BitTorrent’s Secure Dropbox Alternative Goes Beta, Adds Mobile

TorrentFreak - BitTorrent Inc. has announced several new features for its free Sync app, which moves out of alpha today. Since its first release in April the secure Dropbox alternative has gathered a healthy spread of users, who to date have shared eight petabytes of data. Based on feedback from early adopters, BitTorrent is rolling out support for Android as well as an archive folder which stores previous versions of synced files.

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With so many entertainment options, video piracy is on the rise again

From Netflix to Hulu to Apple, it seems everyone is producing original video content or plan to be soon. Couple this with so many services now in the hunt to secure streaming rights to existing content, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that BitTorrent usage and piracy is on the rise again.

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BitTorrent Fires CEOs, Closes Los Angeles Studio, Shutters BitTorrent Now

BitTorrent has fired its two co-CEOs Robert Delamar and Jeremy Johnson and laid of an unknown number of staffers, Variety has learned from multiple sources. BitTorrent CFO Dipak Joshi has stepped in as interim CEO.


Indian ISPs Speed Up BitTorrent by 'Peering' With a Torrent Site

Several Internet providers in India have found a clever way to reduce the load BitTorrent transfers put on their network, while pleasing their torrenting subscribers at the same time. They've teamed up with Torbox.net which offers a fully fledged torrent search engine that connects users to 'local' peers to guarantee maximum download speeds.

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