
Steve Ballmer replaces Don Mattrick as Xbox One chief

Geek: Yesterday it was rumored and then confirmed that Microsoft’s Xbox One chief Don Mattrick had decided to leave the company to become CEO of Zynga.

SKUD4042d ago (Edited 4042d ago )



evil_element4041d ago

Sweaty armpit man taking over :D

If you though Xbox one was doomed now, its going to sink like the Titanic.

History recap. Ballmer was a original investor of Microsoft and is not engineer, programmer or entrepreneur. He has heavy hand approach to Microsoft, with forcing ideas which have all been bad so far. Creating bing service to revival google, shutting down msn messenger service, shutting down hotmail-outlook web services, sacking head of Windows 8 team and the disaster that is Windows 8.

Revvin4041d ago

Ballmer has presided over the slow decline of Microsoft. He has a scatter gun approach to their business, its got to be all things for everything so you get a Windows desktop OS that's really designed for phone and tablets, you get a gaming console that they want you to watch TV on.


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