
Did The Xbox One Or PS4 Make A Case For The Next Generation Of Gaming?

Everyday Digitals - E3 has drawn to a close and the dust is beginning to settle from Sony and Microsoft's big events. Both set out to show why their console was the one gamers should choose this holiday season but did either make a strong enough case? Was there enough shown at either event that made gamers want to rush out and spend $500+ on a new console and games this fall?

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How to Gameshare on Xbox One

If you want to share games with a trusted friend or family member, here's everything to know about gamesharing on Xbox One.

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Why does my Xbox One keep turning itself off?

If your console keeps turning off, it's time for some troubleshooting.

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For PS4 disc users, the Cyberpunk 2077 update completely crashes the game

It's been a bumpy road for Cyberpunk 2077 update. It has attempted to recover and has partially succeeded in resolving most of its launch issues with two

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