
How to Save Money When You Build Your Own PC

Lifehacker: Computers are expensive, and every dollar counts if you're building one on a budget. If you pick the right parts, shop at the right stores, and use a few simple tricks, you can save quite a bit on that new PC.

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In2iti0n4070d ago

For just basic home use, I find that the cost of OS software is just too expensive now to justify building a computer completely from scratch, at least for a Windows PC— I find that it is cheaper to find a base barebones computer with the minimum processor, RAM, and hdd size that I need that has a Windows already installed, OEM, and then work from there if necessary.


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Steve Jobs's Apple-1 prototype computer sold at auction for about $700,000

Steve Jobs's Apple-1 prototype computer sold at auction for about $700,000. Paul Terrell, the proprietor of one of the earliest computer stores in the world,

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