TechRadar - Sony PS4 and Microsoft Xbox One do battle with eight-core AMD technology.
If you want to share games with a trusted friend or family member, here's everything to know about gamesharing on Xbox One.
If your console keeps turning off, it's time for some troubleshooting.
It's been a bumpy road for Cyberpunk 2077 update. It has attempted to recover and has partially succeeded in resolving most of its launch issues with two
As of now, PS4 wins it easily.
PS4 no contest.
Just buy your ps4 and leave the xbox one for the rest of us. This way I don't have to here your bitching while I play online on my xbox one. Free online, breeds loud mouth little kids and cheap ass gamers like yourselves.
At the rate of articles and rumors being published, PS4 has clear advantage.
I'm sure during and after E3 - that is if any additional late changes would occur with either/both consoles, release date/prices would finally be announced and confirmed ( a major selling point ), gamers' will roughly see and feel who gets ahead.