Vyralize: It’s official, the Hotmail name is no more. Welcome to Outlook.com
Hackers abused a Microsoft customer support portal that allowed them to read the emails of any non-corporate account.
Microsoft tackles a problem with its email filters that had prevented them from properly screening out spam.
Based on my inbox this morning I have won a contest at every supermarket in the UK. Still at least that explains it...
Microsoft today alerted customers that the ongoing migration to the new Outlook.com comes with a hidden cost: You will no longer be able to use Windows Live Mail 2012 to access the service.
It looks pretty neat!
I always felt Hotmail was kinda gimmicky and 90's feeling. Outlook is much more recognizable and corresponds with Microsofts premier email client. Good move MS
I really dig the look of outlook.
Well, this sucks. I like 'hotmail', made my email's title feel bit fancy.