Pocket-Lint: Samsung has sensationally backtracked over what processor will be in the UK version of the recently announced Samsung Galaxy S4 smartphone.
The Samsung settlement is for just under $14 million dollars, but only $2.8 million is actually going to consumers.
The Galaxy S4, in its day, was a pretty capable smartphone. However, with its fourth birthday fast approaching, its update period has long since passed.
It was everything we ever wanted – a high-end smartphone from one of the world’s biggest Android OEMs, without the crapware known as the younger version of TouchWiz. At Google I/O in 2013, Google announced the first two models in the Google Play Edition lineup of devices, the Galaxy S4 and HTC One Google Play Edition.
Fuck off samsung...my iphone 4 battery life slaughters what was on s3 even if it has a smaller battery. Snapdragons is nasty in battery consumption. It eats battery like a fat blob.
The battery life is the single biggest issue i have with smart phones. I will stick with my iPhone 4 until an ergonomically decent phone comes out and sorts the battery life.