
UK Samsung Galaxy S4 will use quad-core Snapdragon 600 processor, not 8-core

Pocket-Lint: Samsung has sensationally backtracked over what processor will be in the UK version of the recently announced Samsung Galaxy S4 smartphone.

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solid_warlord4368d ago

Fuck off samsung...my iphone 4 battery life slaughters what was on s3 even if it has a smaller battery. Snapdragons is nasty in battery consumption. It eats battery like a fat blob.

The battery life is the single biggest issue i have with smart phones. I will stick with my iPhone 4 until an ergonomically decent phone comes out and sorts the battery life.

iNFAMOUZ14368d ago (Edited 4368d ago )

I assume you live in the UK and are upset.
hmm well now you feel our pain in the usa over last years s3 having a dual core here and yall having a quad core.

oh and the 2600 mah battery in the s4 will last you longer than any iphone, probably about 2 days medium to heavy use, and the note 2s battery i believe a 3100mah battery will last you 2-3 days heavy use.

solid_warlord4368d ago (Edited 4368d ago )

I rather have dual core...i used to own S3 quad core UK version and the battery life was nasty. It offered nothing exceptional. Infact battery life was better for US version. I brought third party higher battery and that didnt make much of a difference. S3 wouldnt last 4hrs with medium use. It wouldnt noway near last half a day with medium use. S3 has 2100mAh battery while my iPhone4 has like 1200mAh or so and it still beats S3 in battery life. The iphone 5 has a dual core it still beat S3 in web browsing, apps and most importantly in my opinion in modern smart phones..Battery Life. Improved Battery life is what i most wanted. Samsung have done an Apple..they failed to innovate. Shocking gimmicky features and still nasty looking design. I will stay well clear.

Raf1k14367d ago

I guess I'm not getting an S4 then.

I may go for an Xperia Z or just a Nexus 4 since it gives so much for the price.


If you own a Galaxy S4, Samsung might owe you $10 for lying about its benchmarks

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T-Mobile rolling out Feb. 2017 security patches to the Galaxy S4 and Tab 3, first updates since 2015

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Google Unveils Galaxy S4 With “Nexus User Experience”

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