
Does the age of the Smartphone Spell the end for Nokia?

Planet Ivy: Oh Nokia you old Viking, what happened? You used to make the must have phones of the noughties, with games like snake as a standard, and phones like the 3310, built to withstand a small nuclear explosion.

Now it’s all ice cream sandwich OS’s, the latest i-Don’t-need-it products and apps that serve only to butcher productivity, that rule the mobile market from on high. With companies like Samsung and Apple firmly at the forefront of this charge make no mistake, we are now in the age of the smartphone. So is there any space left in our pockets for the rugged little Finnish mobiles?

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gorillabiscuits4248d ago

I will always have fond memories of my Nokia 3210 - Could never have another Nokia though, Apple forever!

appleandroid4248d ago ShowReplies(2)
therealmccoy4248d ago

Yeah, the brand can't survive on sentimentality. They just didn't adapt quickly enough

KingPin4247d ago

and in another 5-10 years people will be saying
"i have fond memories of my iphone 4S - could never have another iphone though. <insert popular brand> forever!"

solid_warlord4246d ago

They should have never agreed terms of exclusivity with the spawn of Satan - Microsoft.

They should have gone with Android. Allot of people just can't stand the look of W7&8 metro look. I, personally am allergic to it, seriously. Especially the W8 OS for PC. Its worse on PC by country mile.

Anyhow, Nokia days have been numbered. Nokia have not been relevant since iphone revolutionized smartphone. They have been outstripped by Samsung, Sony and soon HTC.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4246d ago
appleandroid4248d ago

Some of the new Nokia models are underrated, believe it or not

therealmccoy4248d ago

They have some good functionalities, but ultimately only going in at a low-price point could get any foothold in today's smartphone market.

The_KELRaTH4247d ago (Edited 4247d ago )

But let down by Microsoft!

I've had a Lumia 800 since launch and it's so frustrating how many apps just don't "quite" work properly that work fine on Apple and Android i.e. I enjoy listening to podcast audiodramas which are often in book chapter form - thing is MS's player doesn't show the chapters / series No.'s etc as it doesn't allow for enough text info so it's useless.

This pretty well sums up my experiences with WP7.5 - oh I still can't update the phone to 7.8!!
When there's an Apple update it's ready for everyone.

Wikkid6664247d ago

Have you plugged into the Zune software to check for the update?

WP8 is so much better than WP7x.

mcstorm4247d ago

My other half has a Lumia 800 and I have the 900 in the UK and we both have 7.8. Also have you tried the Nokia music player rather than Zune you may find that better.

It all depends on what you want so far ive not had a problem with apps I use. and I have WattsApp, Xbox Music pass, EPSN/Skysports News, WP7News, Engadgit, CNet, Skype, Facebook twitter, MyServer, TVguide+ (SkyPlus remote App) and then the Nokia apps as well as a few others and never found any issues with them where I did when I had Android 3 years ago but like any new OS they get better over time but IOS, Android, WP, Rim ect all have there + and - points and also people will like one over another as we all like different things.

For me I want to see Android, IOS, Rim and Windows Phone do well as having more choice is better for us all and also keeps all of them trying to out do each other.

As for Nokia what they have done with WP is nothing but amazing. I had a HD7 and Titan before my Lumia 900 and although I miss the big screen of the Titan I like the feel of the Lumia 900 and the extra Nokia Apps makes the OS feel better than HTC did.

Mikefizzled4247d ago

Bought the 920 last month. Definitely worth it.

Captain Qwark 94247d ago

agreed. i liked my wp7 better than any iphone, my 920 is a beast. the only thing i dont like now is not using zune for syncing anymore. that was a bad call, otherwise my phone is way better than the iphone with the exception of apps but most of what i use is built into the os anyway.

Plasmana4247d ago

I bought a 920 a few months ago and had a 900 before that. I used to own an iPhone. I couldn't go back.

Wikkid6664247d ago

920 is a great phone! I love mine

yoshiroaka4247d ago

I think nokia is still "cool"

The problem is people dont really want windows phones.

If they get out of their deal with MS and start making Android phones i think they would see strong sales and be big again.

I love nokia phones and the only reason i dont have one now is that they dont do android.

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