
GPUBoss Does for GPUs What CPUBoss Does for CPUs

Maximum PC: A couple of months ago, we were introduced to CPUBoss.com, a handy website that sought to make it easy to sort through and compare different processors. We thought it was an interesting concept, and apparently so did you -- the site now generates 15,000 visitors a day, we're told. But what if you're in the market for a graphics card? That's where GPUBoss.com comes in.

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newsguy4230d ago

Like a boss!...sorry, had to.

adorie4230d ago

When I saw the CPU boss site, I immediately thought.."Letme have a GPU boss site too, please."

My prayers have been answered!


Some AMD GPU users may have to upgrade early soon, and that's a problem

Forspoken has revealed some troublesome issues with older AMD graphics cards. Yet another Forspoken post. Love it or hate it, it's having an impact on PC gaming at least. But is it for the better?

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620d ago

Amazon Slashes Up To 36% Off On ASUS Graphics Cards

Daily Video Game writes: "If you’re looking for a new graphics card for your desktop right now, the online Amazon has good news for you! They are currently offering up to 36% off on ASUS graphics cards!"

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GPU overheating? An aftermarket air cooler might resolve your issues

The famous Morpheus aftermarket air cooler from German hardware manufacturer Raijintek has received an update that promises to keep all graphics cards cooler

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