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Copyright Trolls Order WordPress To Hand Over Critics’ IP Addresses

TorrentFreak - In what is becoming one of the strangest, most unbelievable and over-broad farces in the history of United States copyright trolling, the ante has just been upped yet again. In a direct attack on the troll defense blogs FightCopyrightTrolls and DieTrollDie, Prenda Law has just ordered WordPress to hand over all IP addresses of users who accessed either site in the last two years. Just to be clear, that’s everyone’s details.

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kingPoS4106d ago (Edited 4106d ago )

And that folks is whats wrong with the current patent system. Patents shouldn't be abused to allow for that kind of control.

This really don't help to law firm in question look like shining knights.

Over reach much...?


Why is Wordpress an ideal web development platform for SMB? -

Apart from being a blogging platform, WordPress is an ideal web development platform for small-to-medium businesses for their web development services.

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Almost two million WordPress Websites got forced update: Here's why

Approximately two million WordPress websites received a forced security update the previous week due to a severe defect.

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The Ultimate List of WordPress Website Do's and Don'ts

AE Wide Solutions
Whether you run a multi-billion-dollar multinational company or just like to blog about your favorite hobby, WordPress is likely to be your online platform of choice, thanks to its flexibility and large community support forums And free and open source.

There is no doubt that WordPress is one of the best content management systems.

WordPress continues to grow at its fastest rate ever, more and more people are turning to it as a reliable platform for their websites. Experts say it is also one of the most search engine friendly CMS platforms. With other platforms, you may face some problems.

It’s no surprise that statistics on its usage are becoming more startling by the day.

If you’re brand new to WordPress, you’ve come to the perfect spot!

Even if you’ve been working with this fantastic system for a long time, there are still plenty of things to be learned!
That is essentially why we’ve come to write down the “Do’s and Don’ts When Using WordPress” that we’ve accumulated through the years of working with WordPress.

Let’s look at 12 key issues designed to help you avoid pitfalls and instead launch you to the website of your dreams.

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