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Run Windows 8 apps in a desktop window with ModernMix

Betanews - Windows 8 has several annoyances, but perhaps one of the most notable is its requirement to run apps full screen. When you’re used to being able to position and arrange application windows just as you like, this seems like a significant backward step: we have far less choice then we did before.

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Windows Copilot gets its artificial tendrils deeper into the OS settings in a new beta update

And, for once, some of what it can do looks genuinely useful.

43d ago

Here's how you can download Instagram Reels without third party apps

In this article, we are going to give you a couple of tricks to download Reels instantly from the application without any third-party platform.

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How to lock Apple Notes on Mac

What would happen if someone read your most private Apple notes? Lock them down so you don’t need to find out.

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