
LivePapers: The New Tweak That Gives Life To The Background Of The iPhone | Cydia Tweak

iPhonBuzz: If you are looking for a tweak that makes Homescreen and Lockscreen background more “lively”, then all you have to do is to install LivePapers.

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Speed-Racer4236d ago

Or you could just buy an Android. Stock feature.

KingPin4236d ago

How dare you say android had it first.
Apple owns all. its revolutionary. it brings new features daily. if it cant do it, theres paid apps that can make an iphone do anything android can. Beat that sucker!!


5 iOS 8 Cydia Tweaks That Add Neat Features

GBM: The iOS 8 jailbreak is officially out and available for all iPhones and iPads that are capable of running iOS 8. Here are five iOS 8 Cydia tweaks that work with the latest version of iOS that are essential to the functionality of your iPhone or iPad.

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BatteryDoctorPro: Powerful Battery Managing Tweak For iPhone

iPhonBuzz: Battery of iPhone is very limited if it is not fully charged. If you are unable to recharge your device during the day, there is a serious risk to stay with a device unusable already after lunch. BatteryDoctorPro tweak is intended to improve the situation.

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LockLauncher Updated To Version 2.0 With Support For iOS 6 And iPhone 5

iPhonBuzz: LockLauncher is a Cydia tweak that allows you to enter a series of shortcuts within the lock screen of your iOS devices, it has been updated to version 2.0.

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