Computerworld - Microsoft may upgrade Office 2013 as often as four times a year, the company's top Office executive said this week, a massive change from decades of more measured development.
Microsoft has just announced major upgrades for OneNote for Mac and iOS. They're interesting upgrades and point to a future where Microsoft works on cross-platform development, offering everyone access to everything.
Microsoft Office is old, very old. Should it really be the number one selling point for an operating system released in 2014?
I simply use OpenOffice. It does the job fine for my (very limited) needs. LibreOffice is supposedly also a great alternative.
So Microsoft Office is nowhere near being a system seller.
If MS wants me to buy new systems, they'd go back to bundling it with Windows 7.
BIT: If you're considering switching to Microsoft Office 2013, you might be interested to know that the software will be getting its first big update when Service Pack 1 arrives "early next year".