Maximum PC: "Qualcomm and Nvidia are taking turns at dissing each other’s next-gen SoCs. In the latest round of this entertaining battle, we have Qualcomm's Senior VP of Product Management, Raj Talluri, insisting that, despite any claims to the contrary by Nvidia, the Tegra 4 chip can’t hold a candle to its upcoming Snapdragon 800 processor."
NVIDIA will have a Special Address at CES 2024 which is scheduled for Monday, 8 Jan. at 8 a.m. PT / 5 p.m. CET.
How does the RTX 4060 Ti compare with the ageing RTX 1080 Ti?
The RTX 4060 Ti vs RTX 3070 Ti debate will be a heated one as the old card takes on Nvidia's newest entry in the 40 series lineup
It's cute that the mobile parts are warring at each other.
Here's hoping the Galaxy SIV has the Snapdragon 800 inside it.