
Qualcomm: Snapdragon 800 ‘Easily’ Beats Nvidia’s Tegra 4

Maximum PC: "Qualcomm and Nvidia are taking turns at dissing each other’s next-gen SoCs. In the latest round of this entertaining battle, we have Qualcomm's Senior VP of Product Management, Raj Talluri, insisting that, despite any claims to the contrary by Nvidia, the Tegra 4 chip can’t hold a candle to its upcoming Snapdragon 800 processor."

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newsguy4388d ago

It's cute that the mobile parts are warring at each other.

zeal0us4387d ago

Whats cute is that someday(possibly 2yrs+) these same mobile parts will be producing chips strong as your current CPUs.

sourav934387d ago

Here's hoping the Galaxy SIV has the Snapdragon 800 inside it.

zeal0us4387d ago

I doubt it, Samsung probably putting its latest Exynos 5 Octa processor, that got unveil at this year CES

sourav934386d ago

Did you not hear? The Exynos 5 octa core processor is causing heating problems, so it might not be in the SIV. And according to Sammobile, they're going with a Qualcomm processor instead.

zeal0us4386d ago (Edited 4386d ago )

Yeah I heard but mostly classified as rumors. Unless Samsung come out right and say Exynos 5 processors is causing problems I wouldn't get my hopes up that the S4 will have a new processor.

The S4 is possibly going to announced this month I'm pretty sure Samsung is working hard to fix any problems(if there are any) with their new processors.

If there are problems and Samsung opt using their new chip then they probably would use the Snapdragon 600 rather than 800. Since the snapdragon 800 is a upcoming chip. Phones probably won't have the 800 in them until around fall or later.

Don't get wrong I would love for the S4 to have 800 processor beating inside of it. I rather have Snapdragon processor over Tegra processor any day.


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NVIDIA will have a Special Address at CES 2024 which is scheduled for Monday, 8 Jan. at 8 a.m. PT / 5 p.m. CET.

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