
Dude, you're getting a $50 computer: The reinvention of Dell

Fox News - Bye, bye, desktop. Hello, thumbtop?

After becoming a household name by selling a gazillion PCs since the '90s, Dell’s influence and reputation have waned in recent years. To be sure, the Texas-based company still moves a lot of desktops to companies and office workers, where keyboards and mice still hold favor. But Dell’s consumer business is quickly being replaced by smartphones and tablets made by other manufacturers, namely Apple, Samsung and Amazon. What’s a PC maker to do?

-Mezzo-4263d ago

At $50, who wouldn't be interested in this. I know i am.

fatstarr4263d ago

we dont need people bandwagoning on android for everything, it cheapens it and makes it so stale. its smart and schools would literally hop onto it, but giving a choice of os would make it a better deal.

schools would go apeshit to get a super functional computer for 50-100, its kinda hopping off of the raspberri pi's success tho.

DivineHand1254261d ago (Edited 4261d ago )

No where in the article it mentioned that Dell's mini pc will cost $50. Also this type of product has been around for sometime now where you can get an android mini PC that connects to your Tv/monitor via HDMI. They have run on rechargeable batteries that can be charged by either USB or HDMI. These products were targeted at the people who wanted to turn their regular HDTv to a SmartTv and manage to save a bundle in the process. Examples of these devices where the MK802 and MK808 Android Mini PC, Zealz GK802 Quad Core Android Mini PC and the iMito MX2 Mini PC. Ofcourse there are allot more than i mentioned but dell is late to the game.

kingPoS4261d ago

I hope it's not heavy, I don't want to lose an HDMI jack due to excessive wear. An extender of sorts would be nice.


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