Vyralize: In the raging war between Google Fiber and competing cable providers, Time Warner Cable has started slashing prices and upgrading Internet speeds.
$55 gigabit available in San Antonio while people in other cities pay $70.
Roughly four million records containing the personal details of Time Warner Cable (TWC) customers were discovered stored on an Amazon server without a password late last month.
Google Fiber filing permit to begin construction in Louisville.
Can't wait for this to come to my city!
Google: Taking over the world, one step at a time.
What da....KANSAS? It's not even set up in the far northern Cook area yet. Don't be in Kansas, Google. There's no place like Home. STOP NOT BEING IN KANSAS ANYMORE.
I can't wait until google fiber becomes mainstream.
I hope they do this in NYC. I have wideband from TWC and it's $75 a month. It's fast but it disconnects a lot.