Maximum PC: Intel’s Thunderbolt has arrived on the PC after being exclusive to the Macintosh platform for more than a year. With its promise of 10Gb/s‑per‑channel throughput, what self-respecting power user wouldn’t opt for a Thunderbolt-based external backup solution? Well, before you get too excited, let’s compare T-bolt point-by-point with its natural competitor, USB 3.0. After all, there’s more to a technology than pure performance, as we found out.
What is better Ryzen or Intel? Choosing a processor for a PC can be a daunting task, especially if you're new to computing.
The ThinkStation P360 Ultra is a tiny beast.
Thunderbolt will never catch on. It will be as mainstream as ESATA.
Schedule a rematch for 12 months from now and let's see how the two standards shake out.
The obvious advantage USB 3.0 has is that all previous USB standards (1 and 2.0) work with it. Thunderbolt is has a hard way to go. And this is coming from a 2011 MacBook Pro owner (the first MacBook with Thunderbolt). I've not used it one time. lol
usb ftw
what's thunderbolt?
My ThinkPad, which I bought this summer, has both USB 3 and Thunderbolt.
It's been so funny seeing the Mac-fanboys in shock at me grabbing a thunderbolt cable ("no no, that plug is only for Macs") and then plugging it in.
But USB is best, if only due to backwards compability.