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iPhone 6 to be released in different colors and sizes?

BGR: Our checks indicate that the next iPhone will have more choices for customers,” the analyst wrote. “This entails an expansion in both the color patterns and screen sizes with the next iPhone (i.e., likely called the iPhone 5S) that we currently believe will be launched in May/June with certain supply production starting in March/April.

Deku-Johnny4180d ago

OMG different colours AND SIZES!! Apple have done it again. They're soooo innovative...

CraigandDayDay4180d ago

Sarcastic much? lol Don't Android phones also offer different size screens? Why is it so bad that Apple is doing it? I think it's a smart move and the different colors will attract more people too. I wouldn't mind having a blue one myself.

colonel1794180d ago

Yeah, you are right! People hate on Apple, but don't realize most of the products are a playing catch up to Apple, or at least, they wish they had their sales.

On topic, I think is way more likely to have different colors (which IMO I think will happen), than to have different sizes (which I think won't happen ever)

KingPin4179d ago

all this time that android manufacturers made different models of different sizes, people said they were flooding the market with junk. instead they were catering for people who cant afford premium devices all the time.

but since apple starts doing it, its good business practice not flooding the market. hmmm interesting. and as much as deku-johnny is being sarcastic, he's right. i can only wait and see the lawsuits start flying again when the samsung galaxy s4 is released.


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