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ROCCAT ISKU FX keyboard ships worldwide, lights up gaming for $100

Engadget - ROCCAT's ISKU FX keyboard intrigued us back in the summer by adding some synchronicity to the usual gaming keyboard formula. We're glad to hear, then, that it's shipping just as much of its audience will get the games that should be its match. Players in multiple countries can pick up the ISKU FX this week at prices of either $100 for Americans or €100 in European countries like ROCCAT's native Germany.

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Isku FX Keyboard (Tech) | FTG Review

FTG Writes: Look at all the pretty colors.

The Isku FX is a direct replacement for the original Isku keyboard from Roccat. When looking at the surface, it is hard to see if anything at all has changed since the release of the first generation Isku. However, after plugging it in, you can see the difference immediately – in 16.8 million shades. The Isku FX offers a full range of color customization over the previous model’s six blue LED selections. Is that the only change that this keyboard offers? Or is there something else lurking under the surface that should make you spring for this new model?

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