
Dotcom: We've hit the jackpot

NZ Herald - A fresh legal bid to throw out the case against Kim Dotcom in the United States is being made after claims of an FBI double-cross.

Evidence has emerged showing the Department of Homeland Security served a search warrant on Mr Dotcom's file-sharing company Megaupload in 2010 which he claims forced it to preserve pirated movies found in an unrelated piracy investigation.

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-Mezzo-4410d ago

This thing is not over yet?

fatstarr4409d ago

over yet?

a man that lost everything to an improper search and actions by the us government and greedy corporations?

with the chance to strike back?
and you say over yet...

sovietsoldier4409d ago

thanks for stating the obvious.

SilentNegotiator4410d ago (Edited 4410d ago )

You know, I don't think he should be in trouble for hosting a file sharing site that some people abuse.

But having read about his background....I'm not exactly cheering him on. He made a LOT of money with fraud, theft, etc.

Of course, I don't want to see it become a precedent for file sharing website hosts to get into trouble, either.

It's like watching Satan trying to convict Hitler of aiding robbery by opening the door for the robber on his way out of the bank.....it's not his worst crime, nor should that thing be considered a crime when he didn't know about and/or cause the robbery.

Anon19744409d ago (Edited 4409d ago )

Don't forget, it's not only about the copyright. There was a fairly significant money laundering operation using Megaupload as a front from what they've alleged.

Personally, I think he should have done time for that 1.5 million euros he defrauded investors of with stock fraud and insider trading. If a guy robbed a bank and stole 10,000 bucks, you could be assured he'd serve some time behind bars. A white guy commits fraud and steals a million and a half euros, is convicted and serves no jail time but what he got awaiting trial? Come on. Can't believe so many defend this career criminal. He's been stealing since he was a teen and never let up. We're to believe he's legit now? Please.

kingPoS4410d ago

Someone gonna be vindicated

DeadlyFire4409d ago

Megaupload 2 is already on the way from this guy. http://www.Mega.co.nz

konnerbllb4409d ago

must be a knock off, dotcom already said it will be hosted on http://www.me.ga

Crazyglues4409d ago (Edited 4409d ago )

@ konnerbllb

It was going to be that but he ran into problems as they shut his site down- http://gizmodo.com/5958358/...

So now it's at the address DeadlyFire Posted.

konnerbllb4409d ago


ah I see. Thanks for the update.


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