
Sprint Will Give Away Free Extended Batteries To Galaxy Nexus Owners

OMGDroid :"Recent leaked screenshots from Sprints secret memo clearly detail an upcoming special gift for all GAlaxy Nexus users on the network. All Galaxy Nexus owners, current and future will get a free extended battery without paying a single dime, and there’s no catch."

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Gondee4362d ago

Sprint is really trying to differientate itself from the other major carriers. The fact that they still have an unlimited plan makes me want to sign up lol

dilawer4362d ago

T-Mobile needs to learn something! ;)

DXDA4362d ago

Its not really unlimited you pay a $10 smart phone data coverage per line. Only for smart phones. This adds up if you have the family plan like me. I pay an extra $40 for this smart phone coverage.

DXDA4362d ago

By the way Sprint just announced a 2 year contract extension if your job has a company discount. you must agree to it or no discount. I just found out yesterday. No worries from me I've been with Sprint 8+ yrs. Another contract from sprint for a discount doesn't bother me it might for others.


Sprint's OnePlus 7 Pro 5G finally sees Android 10

Android 10 finally started rolling out to Sprint OnePlus 7 Pro 5G devices a few weeks after other variants saw the update.

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Pretty much all the major mobile carriers are teaming up with 51 attorney generals to stop robocalls

12 of the major phone companies are going to give their customers free spam blocking tools in an effort to stop robocalls on their networks.

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Samsung’s 5G S10 is coming to Sprint next week

The Samsung Galaxy S10 5G will be available on Sprint’s 5G network starting on June 21st, with preorders opening today. The 5G network launched last month in Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, and Kansas City, and will be coming to Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City, Phoenix, and Washington, DC in the coming weeks.

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