Forbes : I’ve been spending a lot of time on the internet, you see. And it’s making me crazy.
Signing up for the new Twitter Blue has caused problems for some folks. The Shortcut details the roadblocks you may hit trying to sign up and how to get around them.
Good thing I signed up at launch so people know I'm the real evilcackle
Huge loss for those who don't know where else to spend their surplus $8 a month
study abroad is the chance to find yourself while acquiring a comprehension of an alternate culture. Being in another spot without help from anyone else can overpower on occasion.
Websites are harvesting our data even before we
Regulations are beginning to require users to verify their identification online.
and i love it!!
well its convenient. but that doesnt mean we need to over use it. like everything, internet also needs to be "handled" in moderation. too much is not good for you.
keeping other non-technological hobbies is key to a balance life. play sports/social activites <where u actually meet people in person> is a start.
all things at one place like entertainment , knowledge, porn,social networking sites to connect with friends and etc is a main reason for this addiction.
Not even close. I'm on the net 24-7 and when the power went out here for 4 days during last years Halloween snow storm I was not fiending for the net at all. I wanted heat and a hot meal more than anything.
I'll tell you what though, I felt much more clear headed without technology for a few days