
CRank: 52Score: 88440

I figured that went without saying since most people who would do this likely already own a smartphone. This or another camera would likely be an accessory to your smartphone.

3628d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Considering most selfies are uploaded to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc., this is really silly. They horribly compress pictures when you upload them to begin with. Even if they didn't, this is silly.

If you want something smaller than a DSLR but of good quality, a micro four thirds camera and lens(es) would be ideal. Not to mention you would be able to use it for good pictures of everything else as well.

3628d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can you imagine what video game controversies we will hear if the Rift takes off? Especially when it comes to kids.

Having said that, I am really looking forward to the Rift. I just hope I don't get too motion sick using it. I was able to briefly use one at NYC Comic Con. I'd really like to see how much better it looks now.

3628d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If it's around $300 or $400 I probably will jump on it. But I may hold off for a while.

I will be interested to see the exclusives the Xbox 720 gets. If most end up on the PC (which I mostly play) the PS4 might be the only next gen console I own. I owned a 360 and a PS3 this generation and am glad I did, but after starting to PC game again, and exclusives becoming rarer, PC gaming is where I mostly game now (my PC is connected to a home theater and a TV as a primary displ...

4108d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Interesting. Generally Asus is rated pretty highly and their components seem to be pretty solid overall. They make their own hardware so I usually trust them a bit more.

From my experience and anyone I've known, Asus is usually looked up to much more highly upon than say a company like Dell, HP, etc.

Not to say your issues aren't something to be mad about, but that seems to be the exception from everything I've seen of them. Although I can't s...

4367d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It might be time for Google to start really pushing G+ again.

Although I'm unsure they would have to charge for simple use of the service, but an actual implementation of their Facebook credits as virtual currency for various things. That's always seemed to be a small pet project of theirs that they never really hyped.

4368d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have a lot more respect for Vizio now (not that I hated them before or anything).

One of my biggest beefs with the PC industry is mostly everything is made purely for pricepoint. While that's important, many times other things are sacrificed because of it like battery life, build quality and the like. There are few companies I think differentiate themselves in the PC industry (namely Asus and Lenovo), but it's good to see they want to make a quality product, and it ...

4368d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That depends what carrier you're on. I believe the One X is only on AT&T. Since I am on Sprint I will probably have to go for the SIII. I want a One X but it sounds like it won't be available on Sprint.

The One X supposedly has a higher quality screen as well. Although Sprint will have the new EVO, but I don't want another EVO after all the issues I've had with about 3 EVO's for the past two or so years. The new EVO will be better, but I want somewhat...

4383d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've actually started looking at hybrid drives like the Momentus XT which offer similar performance in some areas alongside a lot more space. But supposedly that can vary a lot.

But at this point for something like a boot drive, a 64gb SSD under $100 isn't the worst. Where I see SSD's really take importance is ultraportables. I'm looking to buy one once more Ivy Bridge ones come out but for now I'm eying the next MBA, Lenovo X1 Carbon or the Asus Zenbook. ...

4390d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I pretty much stick to Chrome. I used to be a pretty big Firefox user back in the day, but it seems (in my experience at least) Firefox feels clunkier. I do use add-ons but I usually only end up using a few. I generally want a lighter browser. But I do use FireFox as a backup browser.

4391d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I kind of have a sick fantasy about blowing 5 or more grand to build a computer with one or two of these in it.

But realistically I am pretty happy with my 560ti and I don't think I'd really find any good reason to buy this, lol.

4415d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Typo. Meant to be 8.4.

And regarding customer support, that's thanks to Sprint. Not HTC.

4442d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks like a pretty tempting phone, and I'm glad they went with a higher-end look and not a cheap tacky look. The only thing is I'm hesitant with going with another HTC phone after all the issues I've had with the EVO (and I've gone through about 3 of them so far).

4442d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Keep in mind this is an ultrabook so the price isn't that crazy. In fact seems pretty low in price. Still, I'd probably hold off for an Ivy Bridge ultraportable being they are around the corner. I would also like to see the resolution higher than 1366 x 768. A lot of ultraportables seem to stick to that resolution (not to mention many 15" laptops) basically leaving you with only a few options like an Asus Zenbook (which I believe is 1600x900) or an MBA (1440x900 on the 13") ...

4446d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sure there should still be a pretty good amount of HTiB's available without the DVD/Blu-ray player.

While I do tend to avoid going the HTiB route (I prefer to build a system over time. Usually takes more money, though) I would take a look at Onkyo HTiBs. Onkyo makes some pretty good ones. I would also not be afraid of buying a higher-end one that might be a few years old.

There haven't been massive strides in AV receivers aside from HDMI 1.4 a...

4453d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I kind of want this card... But I probably will just throw in another 560ti into my machine. Unless I come into a bit of extra money.

4453d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not sure your question. You mean without a Blu-ray player? The PS3 is a Blu-ray player so an additional Blu-ray player would be kind of redundant.

You can get a dedicated Home Theater in a Box or build a system around an AV Receiver and connect your ps3 and computer to it. I have my PC, 360, and PS3 connected to my custom-built home theater system.

4453d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is something I can usually give Apple credit for. They generally don't skimp on battery life. One of my biggest gripes with mobile tech is battery life. It annoys me endlessly that not enough companies don't put more effort into that (and build quality). Apple isn't exclusive in this, but it seems most companies ignore this and their products suffer because of it.

4467d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seems like a relatively minor update, though the bump is resolution seems pretty nice. A 2048x1536 display is nothing to scoff at. I wish laptops came with a higher res display near that resolution. It seems wasted on a tablet especially if it runs a mobile OS. I hope that's an indication of them bumping up the resolution on their laptops as well.

Unfortunately when it comes to the iPad, Android tablets, or what Windows 8 might be bringing for that matter, I still don'...

4468d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Linux is a pretty solid OS but unfortunately for those of us who run professional software like Adobe products and the like, Linux is drastically lacking compared to Windows and even OSX.

However, I just built a new computer and might partition my HDD for Ubuntu. I don't think I could rely on Linux for work or anything though. As a side OS certainly, but not a primary one.

4475d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment