
CRank: 11Score: 43210

It states clearly that this news was released by a "Chinese propaganda channel". Not exactly the most trustworthy source if it is coming from somewhere dedicated to spreading skewed/false information just to make China look stronger.

2465d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Added bonus of a headphone jack is being able to listen to the radio through FM radio on your phone. Granted most people are unaware that their phones are capable of this.

I use it a lot when I am not near wifi since I don't keep music on my phone.

2473d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Meanwhile I just purchased a new Sony Xperia phone for less than half that. I don't fault people for liking a certain brand, but $1000 for a base model smartphone? That is just simply crazy.

2481d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If only most people actually wanted this and didn't use adblock services. I make YT videos and also run websites and each year the amount of people using adblock goes up(currently hovers around 20-30% a month).

I understand some websites place to many annoying and vast amounts of ads. Just stop going to them instead of hurting every site trying to cover costs. Losing sometimes 30% of potential tial revenue on something that doesn't pay much per person to begin wi...

2893d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

As someone who runs two websites I both love and hate adblock. I use it to enable it on websites that have audio/video ads that run automatically and ones with pop-ups. At the same time adblock kills my revenue since the last time I estimated it about 75% of my users use it(video game website).

I go through and approve/deny ads on a weekly basis and only show text/image/rich image ads(no audio or videos) that are off to the side. While I agree that adblock is a good thing ...

3136d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

As someone who runs a website of their own I both love and hate AdBlock. I run two websites for specific video games and create all the content on both of them, each guide/page/video takes roughly 1-2 hours to do start to finish. The only revenue I make in return is through Google Adsense which does bring in a 'decent' amount but no where near an actual minimal wage job. I run the website mainly for helping others out, but the costs associated with it and the time do eat up a lot o...

3360d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good for him. While these websites are somewhat entertaining it doesn't do anyone any good.

4435d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course it is real. For the past few years there have been small discoveries/reports of "time travel" being done however it is minuscule and is around .0000001 of a second.

4435d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is tech news... It would be pretty big news if Iran was able to reserve engineer the US Drone they captured. I'm sure if we ever go to war with Iran than the soldiers on the ground would love to know if they had stealth drones watching them.

4435d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Many overlook them because to simply put it there are to many f'ing phones out there now. Once you search outside of iPhones and the top Droid phones it becomes a jumbled up mess. It would be awesome if every phone manufacturer would just have 3-5 phones. All we really need is a dirt cheap($40-$60), mid-range($75-$125), and a high-end($175+) phone for the yearly releases.

Instead we get dozens of phones releasing every month that just confuses the hell out of people.

4435d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Same here. Been busy since my business is entering the busy time of year. Not to much time for misc stuff I usually do in the winter months...

4435d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wish that most phones were waterproof or at least water resistant without needing to buy a special case or phone. I do love my Olympus Stylus camera that is waterproof and as I like to call it "bomb proof". Thing has survived longer than any camera I have had before.

4435d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There is a big difference between a standard keyboard and a keyboard for gaming. Especially since most standard keyboards don't allow you to "enter" more than 3 keys at a time, which is somewhat needed for PC gaming.

Mouse wise you can roll with that 90's trackball one but why? If you are going for a gaming PC you will want a decent mouse instead of ruining 50% of you input on a shitty mouse.

Speakers are important, but a cheap pair will do....

4435d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sort of misleading....

OS is $100

Keyboard is $50 for a low-end gaming one.

Mouse is around $30-40 for a decent-low end gaming one
Speakers/Headsets can range from $25-$150

Monitor wise if you go with 1080p then it will be another $18-200 for one that won't break after a year.

4435d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's funny when I see some people I know bragging about headphones like this and they get into arguments about another having a different person's headphones.

I don't see the huge difference, I may use Tritton AX Pro's for my PC but when I am on the go a simple $5 pair is fine.

4435d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well, it's just the typical bias of those two companies and how people love to hate on them.

4449d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Personally I use my iphone for all my music now. I don't see a reason for buying an iphone that cannot make phone calls(ipod touch). Iphones today can hold basically all your favorite music and allow you to use internet radio apps.

4452d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's sort of funny how many there are and even Google-ing topics that aren't specific to porn turns up porn websites. Nothing wrong with it up hopefully the .xxx domains fix some of the mis-clicks at work.

4452d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If flying cars ever were to become mainstream I think it would be much harder to get a license for them over a traditional car.

If not then we would have 80yr olds dropping left and right from the skies on a daily basis.

4454d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Instagram.... Turning every teenage girl into a professional photographer.

4454d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment