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August Xbox One S Winner!

It's been a very interesting month so far, with lots of activity especially in the first half of the month. Our decision was not an easy one, but we've reached our verdict. The undermentioned actually came on the scene just about a week and a half after the contest started and demonstrated a very good handle on all the areas we were looking at. Submissions were consistent, management was generally very accurate, and comments were also noteworthy. The user was a generally nice guy as well, taking all comments in a constructive and positive manner.

With that in mind, we must congratulate the following on winning an Xbox One S!

1) TechImperia

Thanks to everyone that participated. Look out for September's details coming out soon!

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Community2832d ago
-Mezzo-2832d ago (Edited 2832d ago )

Congratulations Bro!

And you were saying you didn't had a chance ( At The Start Of The Competition ) :D


I lost it when I got a 1 day restriction on Approval, plus a certain someone was acting like a complete child which among other things, also resulted in 50% of my submissions not getting any approvals, so I gave up.

Devil-X2832d ago

I see what you did there.

TechImperia2832d ago

Thank you buddy. I know I didn't thought I had any chance seriously.

-Mezzo-2832d ago

I knew that I would never win a Draw or Staff picked based contest, yet I gave it a shot.

If it's a Points Race, that's a different story then, that's in my control.

Speed-Racer2832d ago

You were in 2nd spot! The only thing was your haste sometimes gets in front of your accuracy, but other than that, you're still a valued member around here.

-Mezzo-2832d ago (Edited 2832d ago )

Yes it does, I agree with that.

And no matter how hard I try or how focused I keep myself, I always slip up, always have, from the beginning. :D

Anyways, Great Contest Choice by the staff that resulted in a great Month for TechSpy where the site wasn't flooded by 100+ submissions of Reviews and Preview.

Plus a deserving winner, and great contributions by all.

Devil-X2832d ago

Honestly, I find it little hard to digest that I wasn't even in the 2nd spot when I should have been the winner of this contest with the amount of quality submissions I bombarded the site with this month.

sonicwrecks2832d ago

A very well done to TechImperia. Saw those in action the other day at an event, they are *dinky* in comparison to the XB1

Devil-X2832d ago

Can't believe I lost this one. I put my blood, sweet, and tears.

Speed-Racer2832d ago

Regarding your above comment, this wasn't a competition about putting out the most. Submissions were just one criteria. We looked at every aspect including interactions with others.

-Mezzo-2831d ago

"All that effort for nothing"? Now I'm glad TechImperia, he kept on contributing despite thinking he had 0 chance.

Glad they rewarded a contributor and not someone who was only going all out for that month.

-Mezzo-2831d ago

The reason might be your hostile attitude towards other members,... Well, mostly towards me.

Devil-X2831d ago

Complete B.S. It wasn't a criteria at first. If it was why wasn't it communicated to us before. I put in so much effort for nothing. You have no idea how frustrating it is.

Speed-Racer2831d ago

At first?

It's a staff pick. Do you know what Most Valuable Player means? We don't need to spoon feed you every single trait we're looking for. There were minimums to be met but you didn't have to come out on top to win.

Gazondaily2831d ago

Brah what is this twilight zone I've entered into?

N4G should have competitions like this!

And Mezzo, where have you been?! Get back on N4G!

Also, congrats. Techimperia. ☺

Devil-X2831d ago

@Speed I met all the minimums but I agree that I wasn't nice enough in doing so but my point is that "being nice" was never a criteria to start with. \*PEACE*/

Speed-Racer2831d ago

You wanted me to specify that? Well damn. Sorry, that's just not the case. In life you don't get spoonfed everything. When you're applying for a job they don't tell you every single pointer they're looking for. You have to be creative enough to figure it out yourself.

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Settler2831d ago

Congratulations Techimperia :D

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