
GDC 2016: Virtuix's Omni Treadmill Let's You Walk and Run in VR [VIDEO]

Maximum PC: One of the limitations of VR is your physical space. Sure, there are sprawling worlds to explore, but your living room is only so big. A company called Virtuix aims to get around that with the Omni, a special treadmill that allows you to walk, run, jump, and generally do what you would normally do if you had the space. We sat down with Virtuix at GDC to talk more about the Omni.

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Sahil2991d ago

OK. So I need this, an Obutto Revolution, a Vive, and a new rig for my man cave. Oh, and I also need a man cave.


Virtuix Omni Announce VR Content Platform Omniverse

Virtuix enhance location-based operations for Omni operators.


International Backers of Virtuix Omni Won’t Be Getting Their Orders as Refund Programme Initiated

There's going to be some very disgruntled backers out there.


Not Really Here: Manus VR Talks Episode 1

Manus VR, developers of a glove for virtual reality offers VRFocus readers the lowdown on the company's time at GDC 2016.