
Microsoft Apologizes After Xbox Party Includes Scantily Clad Women

The Wall Street Journal: Microsoft Corp. apologized after a party it hosted on the sidelines of a major videogame-industry conference last week included women in sexualized outfits who danced and mingled with attendees.

Microsoft’s Xbox party took place Thursday night in San Francisco, amid the Game Developers Conference and just hours after Microsoft held a networking luncheon for women in the industry. It also came nearly a week after the South by Southwest conference in Austin, Texas, where a summit focused on online harassment in the industry.

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AHall883007d ago

How horrible.

That is sarcasm by the way.

annoyedgamer3007d ago

Those crazy bible waving Christians at it again..oh wait

Sahil3005d ago

Oh for Christs sake Microsoft, man up and quit being such politically correct wusses.


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