Alithesnake must be new as in in his teens. I have met countless creationists who take the bible literally.
Nope. Lol
I got a few videos in last night. Ran into that one vid that made things happen! LOL
You are the dumbest fool in captivity.
And you must have not have read the article. Or you completely, and utterly failed to comprehend this lovely little piece that contradicts your very stupid statement, "College education decreases the chance of religious affiliation, and the prevalence of college eduction is increasing. The fraction of people in the U.S. with 16 or more years of education was 17.4% in the 1980s, 24.4% in the 1990s and 27.2% in the 2000s."
Reread what frelyler said, that is my response also to your stupid comment.
Religion was created by the ignorant to explain nature. That explanation led to people using it to control other men, women, and their children.
Everyone on this planet is born an atheist. Only those who can see through the bullshit of your fantasy leave it for reality and science where the real answers can be found.
My GTX 690 now has a worthy successor to the throne!
What goes around comes around.
Someone who knows nothing dangerous could result from nuclear fusion.
1D2 + 1T3 --> 2He4 + 0n1 + 17.6 MeV
That is deuterium + tritium --> Helium-4 + a neutron + energy.
The direct "waste products" are Helium-4 and the neutron. The Helium-4 is
nothing to be concerned about - it's ordinary stable Helium.
Plus the kid was trained in radiation safety.
No where in the entire article does it states this is cold fusion. I think you just wanted to talk about cold fusion, or you are not genuinely impressed with what this kid did.
No matter how you Sony kids spin it, it is still a down hill slide to bankruptcy for Sony. The playstation brand can in absolutely no way float the entire Sony boat.
The viewable universe is ancient in the light that reaches us. In other words it looks absolutely nothing like we see if we could be in close proximity to distant objects. So I guess yes, it can be perceived to be a hologram given it is absolutely not really there as we see it.
Lmao! You have no idea what scientific theory is. It IS based off of facts that can be tested, and proven with observation. You don't know much about anything, we know plenty.
You are clearly confusing hypothesis with theory.
Not a problem. Life, the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.
And if we run into your, "ethereal beings" like say god. Then science will alter the theory of what constitutes life. Meanwhile... no such thing as ethereal beings and not even a theory for it because no scientific evidence of it exists to form one.
Europa is an active planet in that it has active volcanoes. Combine that with the fact the planet is I cased in a thick layer of ice, it very well may have oceans however not the oceans you may thing. The volcanoes do not erupt molten rock. They are known as cryovolcanos and they erupt ice, methane, and water which cause an extremly coulda liquid to flow. Europa is very unique in our solar system.
I have to admit, this is irresponsible of Microsoft. They should have used a coded lock for these particular settings.
You call it dumb because you do not clearly understand the problem. ISP providers are corporate buisnesses. These corporations have provided minimal service, for high prices by cooperating with their own rivals, to maximize profits with in this case a slow product. Anyone who tries to increase the Internet speed beyond the threshold of major ISP providers like comcast, and AT&T are subjected to aggressive tactics, strong government lobbying action to squeeze them out of buisness. Only com...
I tottally agree. Isn't it just nice that the house found 60 million to fix the US Capitol, but can not find a dime to fix aging bridges dropping people into the water?
The UK is way ahead of everyone else! I am impressed.