DC Universe - you've ruined my social life


CRank: 5Score: 390

Lucky kid. I moved out into a fairly rural area last June, and as a man seriously addicted to his high-speed cable internet, dial-up just wasn't an option, nor satellite, with their daily caps. My only option really was Verizon. Sadly, that Monthly cap is hard to stay under when you've a roommate, let alone when you use as much bandwidth as I. Suffice it to say, I've gotten numerous $400 bills for going over. Moving BACK to the city again on the first, where I will promptly h...

5287d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think at this point, Netflix is just more integrated into devices other than a PC, making it a more suitable avenue for "non-techies." I can use "view it now" from my PC, tivo, and ps3, and nearly every new dvr or media player has the ability as well, giving them saturation. And Netflix isn't too much more than what Hulu's planning to charge, with the added bonus of getting physical discs and having access to non-network tv as well. Don't see how Hulu'...

5299d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment