just lol...
its not that it cant be jailbreak,they just said they wont release it for ios 6.0/6.0.1
I think they are waithing for ios 6.1
its nice for those who works with apple
man have some respect,even if you don't like apple you should accept that he made technology way more userfriendly
we hear about these kind of statements a lot here in iran
well said
that was lulzsec not Anonymous :P
this article was waste of time...
lol,how can you say galaxy 2 is better than iphone 4,did you even work with both of them??
lol,are you kidding
Its good to see them working to improve it all the time
nice :)
nice job anon
then what Hiroshima and Nagasaki was????
there is no limit to stupidity ...
man its more than 2 years that iran blocked facebook,twitter,youtube,n4g.. . everything that you might enjoy is blocked here
we all use vpn to surf on these sites