The Kindle will forever evade me. Gahhhh!
Haters Gonna Hate
Babies are going to cry
Zuckerberg going to laugh
Haiku 5-7-5 XD
Fair enough madd. 14,000 just caught me off guard and felt like we were going into Hoarding territory XD
This will be something to keep an eye on
I would be MORE shocked if they were not doing this.
14,000? Take out the trash man.
So my dream of the Anti-Hacker hacking group named No More Lulz, will never happen?
I hope this fails in such a massive way Best Buy has to close all its stores. Best Buy is the biggest over-charging joke on the planet.
FTA: "Known as the Orange “Sound Charge”, the mobile operator’s prototype integrates Piezoelectric film into a t-shirt."
Hmmmm can we not just fix the batteries instead of making futuristic shirts? Are batteries really as advanced as they can get?
Sad day, No more lulz for Ryan
The Android platform is starting to stretch thin and get far to jumbled up for the average user to understand.
Simply beat by NEVER uploading and only downloading through an SSL encrypted USENET server. Will get rid of the rookie torrent users though I guess.
A little bit of something for everybody. And everything for a little bit of educated people. Can't stop the Internet baby. It's all in the way you use it.
Accountability would be nice to say the least.
Sounds like a case of "HOW MANY ZEROS??!"
Technology is a great tool when used in tandem with your life. Used to control every aspect of your life is a different story. Anything with the power to make life easier often comes with the risk of dependency and abuse. So technology is like alcohol ;)
Ya my "Friend" read that somewhere too, lol
4TB, Holy good god man