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June Contest Winners

Syko|3745d ago |Blog Post|5|

Here are the Winners of the June Contest for the Amazon Fire TV's (And one $50 Amazon Gift Card for the General Score lottery).


- Devil-X

Prize: 1 winner, Amazon FireTV


- neoragex

Prize: 1 winner, Amazon FireTV



Prize: 1 winner, Amazon FireTV


- TechImperia

Prize: $50 Amazon Gift Card

Thanks for a great month and be sure to check out the July contest for more chances at monthly prizes.

Settler3744d ago (Edited 3744d ago )

Congratulations to all winners :D

@skyo, its a suggestion or request!

I just want to suggest that when you setup competition on this website try to think about all users. Not just think about users who submit stories, because I have checked that all prizes are dedicated to users who share lots of stories and earn karma.

By this I'm not saying that, don't think about tops scorers. There are also other people who play good role in managing stories and everyone know that not all the users doing their best in this section except Speed-Racer.

So what I want to say is, instead of giving top 4 scorers why don't you devide that prizes into different sections. Like 2 for top scorer, top for managing, 2 top hot stories and related. You can also select 2 top users who have overall done a great job in all categories.

One more thing, please change the heat concept as lots of people taking advantage of this.

Syko3744d ago

November 2013:

March 2012:

These seem similar to what you are talking about, November 2013 featured Story, Comment and Manager of the Month categories that were chosen by me and Racer. They seemed to gather a mediocre following and haven't been used much and the overall traffic of both Stories and Comments seemed to dip a bit as a result.

March 2012 featured a TechSpy MVP contest where we chose the best overall user that we felt contributed postively to the site and community as a whole. This one can be brought back but again people seemed to prefer the "Straight answer" on what it took to get a prize for the month.

I agree for the most part and have tried to spread the prizes around even with the lotteries to get more users involved monthly with the contests but at the end of the day the best way seems to be rewarding the most active members and at least with the score it's a clear way to gauge who has been adding to the site the most for a given month. While obviously still being short of ideal in the long run.

I will go to the drawing board and try to spread it around more next month as this contest was another trial run for future contests to see how this News/Managing combo works out...

As for the Heat Index. It's above my control/paygrade and with the owners feverishly working on the major update for the entire Newsboiler network, this won't really be changed until then. But considering me and Racer submit stories and have access to the exact number of views/clickthroughs we know when people are forcing the heat index up unfairly but can't catch all instances of the problem.

SJIND3744d ago

Congratulations to all winners...

Devil-X3744d ago

Congratulations to all you guys who won and good luck to those competing this month.


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