All Things D - With mobile payments, we’ve seen the tap, the swipe, the passcode and all sorts of other innovations.
But in this game of one-upmanship, Square has thrown down the gauntlet by announcing this morning that it has made the payment process hands-free.
The San Francisco company, which was recently valued at $1 billion, said it has made it as easy to pay as saying your name.
Engadget: VeriFone, a huge provider of credit card processing systems that's been around since time immemorial, has taken a huge swipe at upstart Square today, branding its free, headphone jack-based credit card readers "skimming devices" and demanding their immediate removal from the market.
Wired: Did your Girl Scout cookie sales drive flop because nobody carries cash anymore? If so, you may need to get Square, the mobile payment solution from Twitter founder Jack Dorsey that allows anyone with an iPhone to take plastic.