Pocket-Lint: It seems like we’ve been waiting for the Nokia E7 for a very long time. First announced last summer it has finally arrived with Symbian 3, slide-out QWERTY keyboard, 8-megapixel camera with HD video recording, an HDMI output and a host of handy features.
MobileWhack - Nokia may be making the shift towards Windows Phone 7 later this year but that doesn’t mean their going to abandon all efforts behind the aging Symbian platform. In fact, if you’ve been paying attention you’ll know that we just recently got done telling you about how Nokia would be holding a special event on April 12th to show off their latest developments for the Symbian platform.
Nokia E7 one of the most anticipated Smartphone with wider screen has been finally available for pre-order in US and India, Nokia E7 is already available in some European Markets. If you place a pre-order for New Nokia E7 now the phone will be in your hands in April.
Basically Nokia E7 is communicator with wide QWERTY keyboard and this is what communicator has been today. At a first look Nokia E7 is really felt to be Nokia N8 with very similar metallic unibody, in fact we can say that the Nokia E7 is N8 with wide QWERTY keyboard and some new features. Nokia E7 release was delayed many times due to some reason and recently Somewhere in European countries the device has been available, for last few days the Nokia E7 has been available for Pre-order in US and India. It costs $679. Anyway let’s check out a short review about the device’s features and functionality.