Pocket-Lint: Adobe has announced the arrival of Photoshop Express 1.5 into the App Store - a dual iPhone and iPad app - that works with iOS 4.2+.
The app brings significant improvements to the picture editing application including a new camera workflow that lets you snap pictures from within the app.
TechTeria: How to Convert PDF Files to different Image Formats using Photoshop
Like taking pictures? Use Photoshop? At a press conference, Adobe gives us a sneak peek of a new feature in the works in Photoshop called deblurring. Click on the link to learn more...
thats pretty awesome, if this feature is good I know there are some smart people that will manipulate it for bad and start removing blurs on confidential pictures on the internet if it becomes possible.
I'm slightly sceptical about this, all 3 pictures the guy "deblurred" were pictures he had with him, it would have been better if he had a camera, purposefully took a bad picture of the audience or something and tried to fix that.