Pocket-Lint: It's not all about Las Vegas and 4G in the tech news world. Closer to home, there has been some interesting developments with the 3G network.
The independent telecommunications regulator, Ofcom, has announced that it has "introduced a new measure that will help mobile phone operators to increase mobile broadband speeds, deliver improved in-building coverage and widen mobile broadband coverage in rural areas".
NRM: "Broadband problems? Under new Ofcom proposals, you will no longer have to “fight tooth and nail” for the “fair compensation” you are owed. If approved, Internet Service Providers will automatically have to pay customers for bad broadband, delayed repairs and missed engineer appointments."
More than 1.4 million homes in the UK cannot get decent broadband, reveals a report from telecoms regulator Ofcom.
Mobile operator Three has urged the UK communications watchdog to come down hard on BT and Vodafone in the next bid for spectrum—expected at the end of this year.