More than 30 years after NASA's Viking landers found no evidence for organic materials on Mars, scientists say a new experiment on Mars-like soil shows Viking did, in fact, hit pay dirt.
The asteroid zoomed by Earth at a perfectly safe distance of around 1.8 million miles (2.9 kilometers).
Engineers expect to lose contact with the private US moon lander Odysseus on Tuesday, cutting short the mission after its sideways touchdown last week.
NASA announced Tuesday that a $32.7 million Capstone spacecraft intended to try out a skewed lunar orbit had lost contact, but agency engineers are confident
Wow this is incredible news, maybe it will get NASA to start sending more landers and probes there. I look forward to the day when my daily commute is between Earth and Mars ;) but sadly I'd probably be dead and gone by then.
I bet those organics are from our planet because we keep landing on mars bringing stuff to mars.
I would like to point out that people have been stating this for decades and been labeled "conspiracy theorists". I think we are seeing timed release of information regarding alien life. They could have repeated the experiment in the 70s but for some reason didn't bother until we've found exo worlds & super earths.