
How Skype Could Make the Mobile Video Market Explode

Gigaom: Skype appears poised to finally launch a new mobile video chat service that should shake up the space and help propel mobile video conferencing into the mainstream. The communications platform, still fresh off its 24-hour outage, is expected to unveil a mobile video offering next week at CES and has been recently teasing what the service could look like.


Skype now lets you make 911 calls in the US

It's still limited in scope

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Skype's Meet Now Lets Users To Make A Video Call Without Having A Skype Account

New update lets you have a video call without having a Skype account. You can start a chat through a link and can use it at any time as it does not expire.

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Skype now lets you join video calls without signing up or downloading the app - here’s how it works

With the sudden upswing of video conferencing needs due to working from home, Microsoft has decided to add a new feature to Skype.

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