
Net neutrality: Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile react

Engadget: Amazingly, the FCC still hasn't released the full text of the net neutrality rules it passed by a contentious 3-2 vote yesterday, so we can't really say much about what's in them -- and while this sort of delay is typical of the Genachowski FCC, it hasn't stopped the carriers from issuing statements on the new rules. We've got to say, responses to the new rules range all over the map: Sprint commended the FCC, T-Mobile needs some time to look things over, AT&T called it a "fair middle ground" but railed about "radical voices" and "heavy-handed government regulatio

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Man makes $25 million illegally unlocking T-Mobile phones

The former T-Mobile store owner could spend decades in prison.

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T-Mobile is now selling your app usage data to advertisers

iOS users are unaffected (for now).

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T-Mobile is bringing back unlimited Google Photos storage

The new $15 dollar Google One subscription is exclusively available for T-Mobile customers.

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